”Hoorn needs a new City Council.”

Een engelstalige kijk op Hoorn .... gevonden op Internet

Al luisterend naar een commissievergadering van onze Hoornse gemeenteraad neust uw redactie weer even op het web en wat komen we tegen: ”Hoorn needs a new City Council.” Slik....

Maar ook dit: ”Hoorn is a Dutch town with over 67,000 inhabitants. The city that takes pride of its past and currently serves as a commuter´s village to Amsterdam, acts according to all the prejudices that a Westerner may have about any given, wornout Soviet town.”

En de titel mag er ook zijn: ”Hoorn: Don´t See It, Don´t Feel It – until the next elections…” Niet echt een toeristische aanbeveling voor mooi Hoorn...

”But life would probably be perfect to them if they could go see the latest film in their own town, if they had a discotheque at their disposal, if… they had a City Council and Board that would not try to restrict them and the city so much.” Schrijver is goed op de hoogte en weet wat er leeft in Hoorn...

”Restricting nightlife will not restrict alcohol consumption, especially when the city throws an impressive amount of parties and festivals for its relatively small size. The decision to have festivals with unlimited alcohol consumption contradicts the decision to restrict alcohol abuse. Another thing to mention here: in order to stop the violent nightlife that Hoorn once had, the city decided that all bars had to stop letting people in by 2am and then close one by one, so that the mob wouldn’t leave the bars all at the same time. The new rule (all bars closing at the same time) will have the violence return in the streets of Hoorn.”

”In the meantime, Hoorn lacks a disco and a cinema. The plans to build them have been around for years and years, but no company wants to spend millions on the establishment of a brandnew discotheque when it has to shut its doors at 2am. And the cinema is not going to be profitable until it can stand there together with a disco.”

En dan deze uitsmijter:
”If you were planning on paying a visit to Hoorn before 2011, just get the idea out of your head. A drastic change is needed first. Hoorn needs a new City Council. One with a vision, a straight forward policy that protects its citizens and cherishes its monuments and everything it already has. A new City Council and Board that can truly understand the needs of the people, provide the service that inhabitants deserve to receive and go forward with the slogan “No mountain too high” or “The sky is the limit”, if you will.”

Hoorngids gaf deze ons onbekende engelstalige columnist graag de ruimte. U kunt hier het volledige verhaal lezen:

Reactie: (jan)
26-8-2009, 13:10
Ze weten allang wat hier geschreven wordt, elke horinees weet dat maar ze zijn daar toch stokdoof. Maar als je het ongeveer wilt lezen :


Reactie: (Eugene Reet)
26-8-2009, 12:43
Hotod juulchid iruulehgui gesen snaliig bi demjij bna.

Reactie: (.p.wolters)
26-8-2009, 12:13
Zou de redactie van deze website zo vriendelijk willen zijn om de afdeling Communicatie van dit stadje te vragen deze klinkende tekst te vertalen en te verspreiden onder de bevolking (B. en W. en raadsleden incluis)?